A downloadable game for Windows

PAC is a survival-horror game with objective-based elements the player must complete in order to progress. 

Stranded on a derelict space ship, the player wakes to find much of the ship's critical systems nonfunctional. The player must navigate through tight, maze-like hallways that are infested with the vengeful spirits of their former crewmates in order to reach the objectives. The only deterrent to the ghosts the player has at their disposal is the SAPR. Powered by small, latent pockets of gamma radiation, when fully charged the SAPR interferes with the spirits' atomic makeup, rendering them dormant for a short time.

The only escape is to complete the objectives in order to open the corridor that leads to the next level.


WASD to move

Mouse to look around

'E' to interact with objects


pac-windows.zip 455 MB
Version 1 Jan 29, 2024